MOLECULAR BEAM EPITAXY (MBE) SYSTEM: 9 effusion cells; oxygen plasma source; RHEED; sample manipulator for angle evaporations
Magneto-transport chamber: in-situ UHV cryo-free variable temperature magneto-transport system equipped with superconducting magnet, access for adatom doping, capability for in-situ device fabrication and electrical characterization.
Interconnected glove box, MBE and magneto-transport chambers for seamless sample transfer (without exposure to ambient condition) using a customized trolley system.
glove-box system: 2 SEPARATE interconnected units for transfer tool, optical microscope with AUTOMATED xyz stage, 2d exfoliation setup, air-sensitive mbe material handling setup
Transfer tool inside glove-box: fully automated sample STAGE rotation for making PRECIOUSLY twisted 2D heterostructures; glove-box connected to the UHV system for annealing, optical spectroscopy, contact growth, and magneto-TRANSPORT of 2D heterostructures.
MAGNETO-TRANSPORT SYSTEM: Sample temperature - 4 K to 450 K ; Sample in high vacuum; Max. Magnetic field - 1.2 Tesla (computer controlled rotary motion of the electromagnet to apply in-plane and out of plane magnetic fields to nanodevices)
UHV suitcase
High frequency equipment: vector network analyzer (26.5 ghz); rf signal generator (20 ghz)
Electronics: Lock-in Amplifier (x4) ; Keithley Source measure Meter (x2); Keithley current Source (x2); Keithley nano voltmeter Meter; low noise voltage amplifier (x2)
MORE Details coming soon !!!!
Raman and photo-luminescence setup with sample in UHV.
Low temperature broadband FMR setup.
Angle-Resolved Photoemission spectroscopy:
MASETRO beamline at Advanced Light source, Berkeley.
Advanced Light Source, Berkeley
I05 beamline at Diamond Light source, UK
Diamond Light Source