• Jyoti wins prestigious NSF-CAREER Award to study 3D Dirac semimetals

  • Simran wins prestigious NSF-CAREER award to study topological semimetals for novel spintronics device functionalities.

  • Jyoti gave an invited talk at APS Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP) hosted by University of West Virginia.


  • Welcome to Aalok and Zhenhong to the group!

  • We hosted two REU students, Max Daughtry and Kristen Lina from Univ. of Central Florida, in our group.

  • Ravi Kumar (from IISc-Bangalore) joined the group as a post-doc.

  • Congrats to Ryan for defending his PhD thesis.

  • Jyoti is awarded beamtime at the MAESTRO beamline at the Advanced Light Source, Berkeley through an Approved Program for next 3 years.

  • Madhura Ghosh, a graduate student from IIT-Madras, visited our lab for three months.


  • I-Hsuan published his work on SOT switching of a PMA magnet using spin current in WTe2 in Nature Materials (Read more here)

  • Jyoti led a focused working group at a NSF user workshop for the National Extreme Ultrafast Science Facility (NeXUS) at The Ohio State University (Link)

  • Jyoti appointed as a Co-Chair of 2D Materials Technical group at American Vacuum Society (Link)

  • Simran wins Kaufman Young Investigator Award (Link)


  • Jyoti participated in a panel discussion “Towards gender Equity: New Directions & Steps” a webinar organized in a partnership between the Indian Physics Association and the American Physical Society


  • Ryan published a paper on the topic of electrically tunable van Hove singularities in twisted bilayer graphene (Link)


  • December: Our group got awarded approved program (guaranteed beamtime for next three years) at ALS.

  • September: Welcome Dana and Malavika to Pittsburgh and our group!!!

  • August 20th: We finally moved to our renovated lab!!!

  • August: Jyoti receives prestigious DOE early career grant. Check out the details here

  • May: ORAU recognizes Jyoti Katoch as a winner of the 2019 Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award in Physical Sciences.

  • May: Jyoti Katoch gave a Physics Colloquium, Advanced Light Source (ALS), Berkeley, CA.

  • April: Jyoti Katoch gave a Physics Colloquium, University of Vermont.

  • April: Ryan won student poster award at PQI. Congratulations Ryan!!!

  • April: Jyoti Katoch gave a talk at PQI.

  • March : Jacob receives NASA summer internship to perform research in our group.

  • February: Jyoti Katoch presented in the ALS user forum. Check out the slides here.


  • October: Jyoti Katoch gave a invited talk at Advanced Light Source (ALS), Berkeley, CA.

  • October: Jacob Gobbo joins liquid group.

  • October: Ryan Muzzio joins liquid group.

  • September: David Gronlund joins liquid group.